深入探索鞘翅目中这些非凡生物的迷人世界,包括各种甲虫类型,如 Carabidae、Buprestidae、Cerambycidae 和 Cicidelidae 科。著名的例子包括虎甲、步甲、天牛和吉丁虫。
Tiger Beetles of Orient
The guide will help you get acquainted with 39 genera and 270 species/subspecies of the family Cicindelidae of the Oriental region. Insect-Books
The Prionids of the World
该书是一本图文并茂的目录,因此图片部分占了最大的篇幅,借助非常高质量和详细的照片,图文并茂地介绍了 100 种标本。每个标本都附有分类信息,以及具体标本的实际大小、性别和产地。 Author: Ivo Jeniš
The Prionids of the Neotropical region
The book "Prionids of Neotropical Region" offers a guide to the diverse family of long-winged beetles known as Prionids that are found in the Neotropics. Covering their biology, distribution and identification, this book is an essential resource for entomologists, researchers and insect enthusiasts interested in the fascinating world of Prionids. ISBN: 978-80-904211-1-0 Author: Ivo Jeniš
Tiger Beetles of the World
The book "Tiger Beetles of the World" is a comprehensive guide to the fascinating world of tiger beetles. The guide will help you get acquainted with approximately 125 genera and 338 species of the family Cicindelidae structured according to Jürgen Wiesner. Written in collaboration with experts in the field, the book is an essential part of any insect enthusiast's or naturalist's kit. ISBN: 978-80-907980-0-7 Author: Vladimír Štrunc
Jewel Beetles of the World
"Jewel Beetles of the World" is a unique guide to the wonderful world of beetles, showcasing their amazing colours, unique shapes and fascinating behaviours. A total of 504 species and subspecies in 111 genera of the superfamily Buprestoidea are published. Whether you are an insect enthusiast or just appreciate the beauty of nature, this book is not to be missed in your collection. ISBN: 978-80-907980-2-1 Author: Vladimír Štrunc
Ground Beetles of Africa
The book "Ground Beetles of Africa (2nd edition) " offers a comprehensive guide to these amazing insects, which specifically includes 860 species from approximately 170 genera, detailed information on their habitats, behaviour and distribution. Written by experts in the field, this book is a valuable resource for entomologists, collectors, and nature lovers interested in learning more about these magnificent creatures. ISBN: 978-80-907980-3-8 Author: Vladimír Štrunc
Tiger Beetles of Africa
The book "Tiger Beetles of Africa" is a comprehensive guide to the diverse and varied species of tiger beetles found on the African continent. The book provides detailed information on the habitats, behaviour and identifying features of these fascinating beetles. The beautiful photographs make this book an essential part of any insect enthusiast or naturalist interested in Africa's rich biodiversity. The guide will help you get acquainted with 43 genera / 36 subgenera and approximately 300 species/subspecies of the family Cicindelidae of the Afrotropical region. Of course, trapping locations and species determination by a specialist are included. ISBN: 978-80-907980-4-5 Author: Vladimír Štrunc News 2024
生物多样性 - 生物多样性
无论您是经验丰富的昆虫学家,还是刚开始接触昆虫世界,都有很多资源可以帮助您更多地了解这些迷人的生物。从书籍和百科全书到研究期刊和博物馆藏品,昆虫学的世界是一个丰富多样的领域,其中有很多有趣的科,如角蝇科(Cerambycidae)、疣蝇科(Carabidae)、喙蝇科(Buprestidae)、蝉科(Cicindelidae)等,等待着您去发现。新的交互式电子书采用 HTML5 格式,适用于从电脑到手机的所有设备。它在 Windows 和 macOS 上都能很好地运行。您可以在以下设备上测试其功能: E-book Carabidae of Africa